Lately I've been under pressure about my weight from my family members. it's nice to know you are concern about it , and I do acknowledge it when I'm looking in the mirror. I'm pretty confident about who I am and how I look, but it can be made a few adjustments here and there. I hated the feelings of pressure from my grandparents (which are the people I live with) about it especially my grandfather. It would bother me so much it makes me not even consider wanting lose weight. I'm like this either it's my way or the high way.
You have many others out there that are struggling with their size, in many cases I'm the one who procrastinate on at least turning to a work out channel. I don't know what hit me , maybe the shame that we have older people living in my neighborhood and walk there dogs, run, and even jog more then I do just to be healthy. The only time I've attempted walking around the block was just once. Realizing how long of a walk it was then where we once lived. I believe short cuts aren't the answer if you want true results.
Out of no where , no that I've gotten time on my hands from no school. Why not set a goal weight , work out 5 times a day, only for 20 minutes. I learned it's only what you can do , and do what you can. I'm doing this for my health and better clothing, which sounds cliche of a statement.
Yes, you can be on the plus size to have some style but wouldn't it be better to be on the lighter end of the table? Not to offend those that are heavier, because you are still fab. Just saying.
As of now did a weigh-in. the scale estimation was 389.8, and my goal weight is to at least get back to 200 pounds. Of course I'm willing to go lower but that is what goals are about.
I'm a challenger, and it's time I've did this because I haven't challenged myself to do anything this year. Expect for the reasons of fashion.
Now that I have written a whole easy on this topic, I MUST keep my word.
I don't expect to have this beautiful models body, but I look to be "thin" if I could say.
What are your goals?
how do you plan to achieve it? I just started working out for at least 20 mins , 5 times a week.
Wish me luck.
Darius Burnette xo