
Morning Sunshine

When waking up on a Saturday morning normal people would eat breakfast, chill around the house, or go out. I on the other hand  just woke up  and randomly decided to go into my closet to photography a outfit I just happened to think of. Only with a fast paste in then back out of my closet picking up items I pictured like no tomorrow. I had imagined sending photographs of my shots to Vogue Magazine  for a magazine feature. I put on my genius creation, picked up my Sony Cyber. Shot camera and then headed outside to make some magic.

Issac newton couldn't even couldn't even figure out the laws of how I did it.

Read more after the jump, and see the pictures.


Wearing : Mickey Mouse Flip ups, Vintage Fox, gary Raw Coture shirt, blazer,vintage condition Brighton shoulder bag , shirt as pants, and brothel creppers.
Who said you couldn't turn a shirt into pants? And talk about taking a photos in my back yard... How ghetto. but  Trust me I had  fun doing it  just need a photographer. ha

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