Tre Ford only in his 20’s was already making statements where ever he went. Trekking through clubs around the city he would constantly be approached and asked for autographs and the name of his stylist. They all loved his aesthetic and natural attraction to glamour. People wanted to look like Tre because he creates a persona with his clothes that everybody envied. It does not matter who you are because he possesses the uncanny ability to find a person’s individual flair and elegance, and illuminate it with his sheer style and grace.
The Brooklynite with Haitian roots is ready to be added to the list of greats hailing from his town. Born Berthold Jean-Charles, he grew up studying the aesthetics of artists like Jimi Hendrix, Bootsie Collins, and Prince. Tre Ford is just beginning to get started in this complex world that he calls an “influx of non-signature works of art”. By creating art through fashion, he’s making it known that he is here to stir up controversy and chaos, while simultaneously keeping people inspired. Tre Ford has worked with celebrity photographers Charles Tracy and Willis Roberts. His work has graced the pages of such prestige publications such as ELLE, Z!NK and Boulevard .
I just had to interview him because his talent as a Afro American shined among me.
How are you today Mr. Ford?
I have seen your work and to be honest it's amazing! What inspires you each time you style a client?
Merci, Everything!.... I'm always going through a different experience so I use that with each and every project and I always want to top my last work of art. I'm always competing with myself!
What's the story of how you started styling?
Well... I've always loved to express myself trough clothing and I wanted to take that to another level. So while working in a high boutique on the upper east side I met Janice Dickinsons sister and after a lengthy conversation she introduced me to French photographer Antoine Verglas and the rest is history.
as a stylist what have you faced?
High end*
· Hmmmm.... This is a very contradictory answer but, being creative in a world where your honored and praised for it was a very prevalent reality for me. As well as working my way through a predominantly white industry. But once I started to prove myself "WORTHY" I started to be accepted slowly and slowly.
what separates you from others fashion stylist in the industry?
What separates me is the ability to take my personal style and bring it to the forefront of my work. Which has been a gift and a curse, because if you look at the overall scope and aesthetic of fashion... It's mostly a straight line... Not that many curves or detours so to speak. As well as my ability and blessing in disguise to have never been granted the opportunity of being able to assist a fashion stylist or intern for a magazine... Which is something almost every seasoned fashion stylist has done.
out of all the years to that have pasted what client would you say was you favorable to shoot?
· Myself, when I shot the editorial for my feature in Hollywood Weekly with my muse Gemmy Quellz from Major Model Management that was an experience that I would never forget. I was the "MODEL" "CREATIVE DIRECTOR" and "FASHION STYLIST". So, for now that would be my most favorable client to shoot. I know that's not the answer most would say. But, I'm not most people
what designers inspire you?
I'm inspired by Dsquard2, John Gallino, Gucci, Commes DES Garçon.
· Comme des garcons
What's your alternative to fashion?
Alternative to fashion..... Writing
In ten words what describes Tre Ford?
· and of course. AMAZING ;)
Most stylist that have been that have been in the styling scene eventually start there own fashion line, Do you see Tre ford as a brand?
It's interesting that this question is asked now... Because I have gotten this many time before. But now I'm in a graciously different place in my life. So I will just say ... I'm creating the brand before people even know that I exist. So you take that wherever you want to. ;)
I've recently and forever will work for the people who can't seem to find a voice in a fashion world that only gives way for a few.
What do you think would change about Tre Ford in 10 years or less?
The only will change besides the amount of wrinkles on my face would be the number of people I touch with my overall aesthetic as a fashion entity and my philosophy of being a human being a part of a forever changing society.
· The only thing that will change*
What advice would you give to those that want to make it in the industry of fashion?
BE YOURSELF!! And know exactly what it is that you want. Think of it like this..... How would you know if a small child is hungry if it doesn't go near the refrigerator?
I've recently and forever will work for the people who can't seem to find a voice in a fashion world that only gives way for a few.
Thank you so much !
Tre Ford- "No problem. It's always a pleasure to share what I do and give a voice through words and not just clothing."
Here's some of Tre Ford's work

Elle Vietnam - July 2011 - Summer Love - unpublished photo with my skirt
Foto: Jamie Nelson
Styling: Tre Ford
under the creative direction of Phuong My
Pearls: vintage CHANEL
You can View more on his Website :
You will fall in love believe me I did.